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Augmented Reality

Marketing | Architecture | Game Developement

Take a closer look!

ATTENTION! This page has extensive materials for some computers to load. Hang tight!! your fan will start to blow faster and the page will freeze a couple of times... Just give your computer time to load everything and store it in its cache... Sorry for your inconvenience, gotta get more money to host in a premium server :)

Serial Sectioning

Designed in Rhino 6 and Grasshopper

Variables and Repetition

Designed in Rhino 6 and Grasshopper

Surface Population

Designed in Rhino 6 and Grasshopper
Object Design

Slow down & 

enjoy the ride...

Waffle Definitions

Designed in Rhino 6 and Grasshopper

Cocoon & Weaverbird

Designed in Rhino 6 and Grasshopper

Parametric Bricks

Designed in Rhino 6 and Grasshopper

Sorry again for the buffer... Here I present you a photogrammetry


Asset 3_300x_edited.png

© 2023 by Ariel Adhidevara

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